Term 1 News Update

 Term 1 News Update  

Hello readers,  

Our names are Parth and Charlotte B. We will be sharing with you what has been happening in our class this term. In Room 25, we have learnt many things in the categories of Literacy, Maths, Science and HASS. We have also enjoyed being in a new class with different peers and learning new routines with Miss Lupini.  

In Literacy, we have focused on a variety of strategies and techniques in spelling, reading, writing, punctuation and grammar. These strategies have helped us in our overall comprehension and in preparation for our big write every Thursday. We have written many persuasive texts, and we have also looked at information reports and poetry. It has been fun learning how to make our writing better. For persuasive writing, we have learnt the technique of show and tell along with other focuses. Our topics have been ‘Single Use Plastics Should Be Banned’, Asian Animal Information Report and Similes Poem. On Tuesday in week 7, we did a cold write. Our topic was ‘Don’t Waste It!’ We have loved learning different ways to make our learning fun!  

Secondly, Mathematics. In Maths, we had first learnt about factors, prime numbers and composite numbers. These are topics we learnt in our first week. We had learnt how prime numbers only have two factors, one and itself. Composite numbers have more than two factors, for example: 10 is a composite number. In our second week, we moved on to squared and cubed numbers. We had to understand the concepts and instructions behind these topics. We had also learnt how squared numbers are numbers that are multiplied by itself, whereas cubed numbers multiply by themselves 3 times. As the term progressed, we moved on to positive and negative integers. We did exceptionally well in this area, so we moved on to year 7 work. Although this was hard, we didn’t give up and did even more work. Recently, in our last few lessons, we learnt how to solve algebraic expressions and equations.  

Science lessons are on Wednesday afternoons. We have learnt how to be sceptical vs gullible. We had a look at some facts and tried to determine if they were real or fake. Then we looked at the scientific method and how that helps us to do a fair experiment. We have also read some scientific wow words. In HASS, we have been studying Geography. We have also been focusing on our typing skills and typing up our Citizenship Portfolio Criterias, and so far, we have completed three out of the nine required.  

After all of this hard work, on a Friday afternoon, we celebrate our achievements from the week. Everyone would sit in a circle and Miss Lupini would congratulate us on our successes and ask us questions relating to the things we have enjoyed. Then she would announce the Superstar of the Week. The timeline of our Superstars of the Week for Term 1 is as follows:  
Week 1=Kobe, Week 2= Natalia, Week 3= Samuel n, Week 4= Rowain, Week 5=Amelie, Week 6= Daniel Week 7= Kai  

To finish off, we have a weekly auction. Miss Lupini gives out tokens for good behaviour and you could spend it at the auction. Overall, Room 25 has had one fantastic term, and we look forward to the next term!  

Parth and Charlotte B 



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